L. E. Modesitt Jr.

 L. E. Modesitt Jr. 's Books

A very well recieved series by L. E. Modesitt Jr. are the books, featuring tropes. The most popular books are Isolate, Quantum Shadows, Scion of Cyador, Magic Engineer, Hammer of Darkness, The Spellsong War: The Second Book of the Spellsong Cycle, The Forever Hero, Adiamante, Treachery's Tools, Arms-Commander (Saga of Recluce), The Shadow Sorceress, Darksong Rising: The Third Book of the Spellsong Cycle, Ghosts of Columbia, Alector's Choice, Legacies, Natural Ordermage, Haze and the Hammer of Darkness, The Chaos Balance, The Fires of Paratime, Timediver's Dawn, The Parafaith War, Soarer's Choice, Corean Chronicles 3 - Scepters, Colors of Chaos (Saga of Recluce), Princeps: A Novel in the Imager Portfolio, Recluce Tales, The Octagonal Raven, The Endless Twilight, Cadmian's Choice, The Soprano Sorceress: The First Book of the Spellsong Cycle, Archform Beauty, The Saprano Sorceress, The Magic of Recluce, The Lord-Protector's Daughter, The Elysium Commission, Princeps ip-5, Scepters, Ghost of the White Nights, Madness in Solidar, Darksong Rising, Assassin's Price, Colors of Chaos, Ordermaster, The White Order, Heritage of Cyador, Imager, The Ecologic Envoy, Haze, The Silent Warrior, Outcasts of Order, The ShadowSinger, The Mongrel Mage, Ecolitan Prime (Ecolitan Matter), Fall of Angels, Flash, Shadowsinger, Darknesses, Empire & Ecolitan, Mage-Guard of Hamor, The Death of Chaos, Solar Express, The Order War, Arms-Commander, which was published in 2022.